Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: November 12 to 18, 2023
Zodiac Week Ahead Readings: November 12 to 18, 2023
This week’s Zodiac readings contained more Cups or their non-Tarot equivalents than other suits. The 3 of Cups, King of Cups, and 2 of Wands or their non-Tarot counterparts appeared more than once. Of the Major Arcana, the Fool and Strength turned up twice or more. Overall, emotional control, finding your path, and finances were common themes.
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Please note, there may be Amazon affiliate links to the decks used in the readings. These are for the convinience of my readers who are interested in purchasing the decks I use.
This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aries sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Jonathan Dee Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by the 6 of Pentacles. Making sure you have financial commitments fulfilled will be important this week. You may also need to repay a favor or two. Strength is the advice card. Have confidence in yourself. You may be wrestling with your inner beasts (self-doubt among them), so know that you can look them in the eye and take control. Possibilities are shown by the Chariot. You may have the opportunity to blaze your own trail. Make choices soon about where you want your life to go.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Taurus sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Tarot de Luz. The Knight of Pentacles shows a theme of the week. Planning for your finances or your material possessions may be important this week. The 3 of Cups gives advice. Embrace your journey. Celebrate. You may be making a big purchase or taking a great leap (9 of Pentacles). Enjoy every moment.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Gemini sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Revelations Tarot. A theme of the week is shown by the Ace of Wands. Pursuing your passion will be important this week. The Emperor gives advice. Although you need to be focused on what will make you happy, you also need to be as organized as you can be. This is not a good week to fall into chaos. Possibilities are shown by the Hanged Man. Take time to look at all perspectives and possibilities.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Cancer sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Tree of Life Oracle. Strength shows a theme of the week. Keeping the peace will be important this week. Advice is given by the Tree of Life. Making or planning connections should be a focus of your week. Who do you know that may be helpful to you in the future? Touch base. Possibilities are shown by the Soul Triangle. You should be able to find peace in your soul…harmony is possible.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under the Leo sun, moon, or rising. It was completed using the Angels and Ancestors Oracle. High Priest shows a theme of the week. Setting your intentions will be important this week. Root yourself in the material world to operate most efficiently (Earth Guardian). Possibilities are that you will prove yourself to be discrete and focused as you work to accomplish your goals (Shaolin Master).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Virgo sun, moon, or rising. It was performed with the Bicycle Deluxe Playing Card Deck (out of print). The 5 of Diamonds shows the theme of the week. Being frugal and watching your spending will be important this week. Advice is to stay calm and collected. Check your emotional responses and weigh out how to react (King of Hearts). You may have the opportunity to travel or begin plans to do so. This may not be a long journey, but it could be an important one (Jack of Clubs).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Libra sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Goddess Guidance Oracle (Out of Print). Yemanya represents a theme of the week. Taking opportunities will be important this week. Abundantia gives advice. Accept what the universe gives you. Wonderful things may drop into your lap, however, be sure to set clear boundaries with the people in your life. You may be feeling vulnerable and you need to protect your energy (Ishtar).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Scorpio sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Tarot of Enchanted Dreams. The Guide (Hierophant) shows the theme of the week. Seeking guidance is important this week. Strength gives advice. Face your fears and move beyond them. You can accomplish what you set out to do. You will possibly need to have emotional control beyond your norm. Hold on to your emotions and analyze them before reacting (King of Cups).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Sagittarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Believe in Your Own Magic Oracle Deck. Taking a chance on someone or something will be important this week. This will probably be something unexpected (Raindrops). The advice the cards give is to not seek the approval of others. Please yourself (Expectations). You may have the opportunity to take a break and celebrate yourself (Feast).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Capricorn sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with The Illustrated Crysatallary. Paying attention to your feelings will be important this week (Sugalite). Hematite gives advice. It’s time to exercise your talent for stubbornness. Drop your anchor and don’t give in or give up. Possibilities are that you will be able to take control and move things along as you wish (Lapis Lazuli).

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under an Aquarius sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Tarot of Pagan Cats. The Fool shows a theme of the week. Jumping in and pursuing a goal will be important this week. Don’t stop and think. Now is the time to do. If you feel trapped or feel as if you put yourself in a compromising position, the advice of the cards is to step back and look for the way out. It will be there (8 of Swords). The possibilities are a sudden change in the direction your life is taking. The Wheel of Fortune is turning.

This week ahead reading is intended for those born under a Pisces sun, moon, or rising. It was completed with the Art Nouveau Tarot (out of print). The 8 of Wands shows a theme of the week. Staying in motion will be important this week. Don’t stop what you need to do. Advice is to focus on your home life and a good balance of emotions (10 of Cups). Your own impatience may cause a delay or a bout of anxiety (7 of Pentacles Reversed). Listen to the advice of the cards to regulate your expectations.