Year Overview: 2024
Year Overview: 2024
This is the perfect short reading for New Year's or your birthday. Rather than the traditional month to month or calendar approach to a year ahead reading, this spread gives you a look at the energies at play in the next twelve months. To order this spread, visit my services.

Sample Reading
Sample readings are readings for actual people who have agreed to have their readings posted on my blog in exchange for a free reading.
Brenna is a young professional who is also a graduate student. Over the last year, she has divorced, moved to an apartment, and gotten a new job. The following Year Overview Reading is a look at what may await her in the year to come. I used the Hanson-Roberts Tarot for this reading.
Brenna is on a new financial path with her new job, and this shows with the Page of Pentacles representing her energy coming into the new year. What she needs to consider is her impulsive side. Before leaping, perhaps the Knight of Swords is reminding her to look first. Sometimes when the Knight of Swords charges in, he is met with a battle.
Her source of challenges is represented by the 8 of Rods. All of the change and upheaval of the last year may continue into this year. The 8 of Rods warns of fast-moving events. She should meet these challenges head-on as the 7 of Rods advises. She’s gained ground over the last 12 months and should protect herself against losing some of what she has gained.
Brenna has good friends, family, and coworkers. The 3 of Cups shows the outside influences for the year, and this card indicates support and joy. Energy leaving this year may be a bit rocky. The 5 of Rods tells us that competition and disagreements may arise. With the support of her network, she should do just fine.