Tarot Tid Bit: The Hierophant
Tarot Tid Bit: The Hierophant
What’s on the Card?
In this image, the Pope is depicted as sitting on a throne, signifying his authority. He is seen gesturing a blessing to his followers while holding a triple cross, which represents the Holy Trinity. The Pope's robe is red, symbolizing his experience, and has white trim representing purity. Also, at his feet are two keys, with one colored gold (representing male energy) and the other silver (representing female energy). The monks standing before him wear clothing that echoes the rose and lily theme found on The Magician.

What does it all mean?
As the Pope is believed to represent the divine on Earth, this imagery suggests that he possesses immense spiritual power and authority. He is the guide, the expert in spiritual affairs. Who do you turn to when you need guidance? You consult an expert or at least someone with more experience than you.
The keys on this card tell us that he understands the mysteries and balance of yin and yang. He can share that knowledge with you. He is also well-versed in the traditions of his beliefs and culture. So far, we have seen that the Magician “does,” the High Priestess “knows,” the Empress “creates” or “makes,” and the Emperor “commands.” The Hierophant “guides.”
Interpretations: tradition, what is normally done/expected, an expert, a guide, a consultant, spiritual instruction, marriage/wedding

Comparative Tarot: Listen to these Hierophants
The Good Karma Tarot’s Hierophant is the first up in our trio. The spiritual guide is crowned with honeysuckle and is haloed by the sun behind her. Honeysuckle is symbolic of love, devotion, and harmony. The sun behind her tells us that she is divinely blessed as she instructs her followers.
Once again, I’ve chosen a card from the Everyday Witch Tarot. This Hierophant is a yoga instructor guiding her students in meditation, presumably to find a spiritual balance. It is no accident that the students are male and female. They are equal counterparts.
Our most traditional example is from the Mystic Palette Tarot. The Pope is the predominant component in this image. He is blessing his unseen audience as two doves fly in opposite directions overhead. These doves show us the male/female balance that is a large part of this card.
Tarot Tidbits are short, hopefully informative, looks at the cards of the Tarot.