Relationship Spread
Relationship Spread
An Overview of a Relationship
So many readings are focused on relationships. These are usually romantic, but this spread can be used for any interersonal connetion.
In my list of services, this would be considered a Brief Reading. Go to my services to order.

Sample Reading
Sample readings are readings for actual people who have agreed to have their readings posted on my blog in exchange for a free reading.
The following reading is for Rachel who is having an affair with a married man. He has started to stay nights with her and has asked to move into her apartment. I used the Wisdom of the Oracle.
The energies around the relationship are shown by Regeneration. They both feel as if this relationship is bringing them back to life after falling into a rut.
His energies are shown by Deep Knowing. He knows what he is doing. He understands the ramifications for all involved and is struggling with the wisdom of the situation.
Rachel's energies are shown by To be Fair. She is also struggling with the wisdom of the situation and is weighing out how her actions will affect everyone, not just herself.
Advice is given by Clean It Up. She needs to clean up this messy situation, perhaps have her boyfriend move to a hotel while he looks for his own apartment and put their relationship on hold while he gets his life back on track.
Possibilities are shown by By the Book. This situation will be resolved as both parties know it should. They will likely take the necessary steps to put things in order so that he can transition out of the marriage in the "right" way.