Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards: Tutorial and Sample Reading Part 1
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards: Tutorial and Sample Reading Part 1
A Little History
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards have been in print since 1904. Copyright was granted to the Fredrick J. Drake, Co. in 1903. Despite the claim they were designed by Mlle Marie Lenormand, there is no proof of this. They were probably created by an artist for the publisher and based on the now traditional Lenormand deck, also not created nor used by Mlle Lenormand. The current publisher, U.S. Games Systems, no longer makes this claim but states that these cards are based on the system she developed.
Beginning to Read the Gypsy Witch
One thing can be said for the reading instructions this deck includes, it is brief and unilluminating. Over the years, several methods have been developed to use the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling (GW) cards. This post is the first in a series of tutorials on the method I use.
Getting Started
First, the GW deck has two cards that work as significators. These are the Lady (Number 18) and the Gentleman (Number 19). These cards do not have any meaning in the reading, they focus energy on the reading. However, if the Gentleman appears in the Lady’s reading or vice versa, the card can represent a significant other or person who has a bearing on the situation. Leaving them in the deck or removing them is the reader's choice.
A basic reading begins with the significator followed by five cards. They are read in pairs, like Lenormand. Spreads are usually multiples of five or seven. As with all other forms of cartomancy, open-ended questions are best. Yes/No questions can be answered with a very simple classic playing card method which will be explained later.
Sample Basic Reading
Katrina and Anthony have been dating for just over a year. Anthony was very straightforward with her about his desire to only date and never marry. He says he loves her which makes her hopeful for something more. Unfortunately, she isn’t sure he will be willing to even move in together. She wants to know what to expect so she can decide how to continue the relationship or even if she wants to continue the relationship.

I used the Lady as the significator. She faces to the right, therefore the cards are laid out to the right of her card. The first pair is the Key and the Dog. The Key shows that she will find the right actions to create success and the Dog is a symbol of faithfulness and trust. So, through her faithfulness, she will earn Anthony’s trust. The Dog pairs to the Pig. This combination is also very positive. The Pig shows luck, but in a love reading, it is a good balance between emotions and sexual connections. With the Dog as trustworthiness, she is winning his heart through her loyalty. The Pig now pairs to Children. This relationship is more genuine and innocent than Anthony has had in the past. The Children pair to the Fox. He still harbors suspicions but these are based on an earlier time in his life and from the looks of the previous cards, he should learn to dismiss these as time goes by. Marriage is not shown in these cards, but they do show that his mindset is changing.
Yes/No Reading
With the first question answered, Katrina would like to know if Anthony will ask her to marry him in the next two years. It is important to put a time frame into yes/no questions, although seekers do not always do so.
For a Yes/No reading, I do not use a significator. This card is a part of the deck that can give the answer. This spread must be an odd number because it consists of a tally. There is no room for a maybe (tie). I usually use five cards, but other readers use one or three. Seven is largely considered too many cards. The important thing is to determine how many cards you want to use and be consistent in your practice. The playing card insets are all that are used for the answers. Clubs and Spades are negative and Diamonds and Hearts are positive. Jokers must be removed from the deck, as they are null cards and do not contribute to the answer.

Katrina’s answer is a resounding yes. Four of five cards are positive.
Other entries in this series:
Part Five